CUPP charges new Service Chiefs on technology in fight against insecurity

Coalition of United Political Parties, CUPP, has charged the new service chiefs and the Inspector-General of Police to adopt technology in tackling the challenges of insecurity in the country.

CUPP in a statement by its National co-spokesperson, Mr Mark Adebayo, said: “While we congratulate you for your new appointments, we believe that you understand the challenges of your new offices and the expectations that Nigerians invest on you to bring them reprieve from the seemingly intractable and burgeoning security challenges of this country.

“For a purpose you were chosen, for a peculiar assignment you were appointed and to serve a nation and her people is your primary responsibility.

“We encourage you to be steadfast and loyal to the dictates of your offices and allow patriotism above all other considerations to drive your activities and guide your decisions with uncommon professionalism and soldierly honor.

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“The CUPP urges you to deploy creative and technology-driven security strategies to dislodge terrorists, kidnappers and murderers who have been holding our country hostage for this long. Nigerians are tired of excuses.

“It’s time to get rid of those who are tirelessly targeting making Nigeria ungovernable and, therefore, a failed state. You have historic responsibilities to destroy every structure of criminalities within the shortest possible time. Yours aren’t offices for fun and fanfare. You are the very eyes, ears, arms and legs of this great country to secure, protect and preserve.

“Let there be a remarkable difference in the ways you fight insecurity and crimes. Make Nigerians breathe in safety and peace. Work harder than ever. Justify the trust reposed in you. Once again, we congratulate you and pledge our patriotic support to your various agencies.

“We shall vigilantly pay attention to the security situation of the country and engage you on the basis of the results achieved in due course. We urge the Federal Government to give all necessary support to the military and the Police in the areas of funding, equipping, training and retraining and adequate recruitment of personnel.

“We urge all the security agencies to ensure maximum protection of the fundamental human rights of Nigerians in carrying out their constitutional responsibilities of protection of lives and properties. No Nigerian must be made to suffer unjustly and no criminal must be allowed to enjoy freedom no matter how highly placed.”

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