Edo: Shaibu not defecting to APC -Media aide

Chief Press Secretary to Edo State Deputy Governor, Ebomhiana Musa, has denied media reports that his boss, Mr. Philip Shaibu, had concluded plans to defect to the All Progressives Congress, APC.

Musa in a statement on Thursday, entitled ‘Another Lie From The Pit Of Hell,’ said: “Hack writers are at it again.

“Mischief makers bent on destabilizing our dear Edo State are still at work. They will stop at nothing to widen the gulf between Mr Governor, Governor Godwin Obaseki and his Deputy, Mr. Philip Shaibu.

“They have generated more lies from the pit of hell, saying that Shaibu has perfected plans to rejoin the All-Progressives Congress, APC next week.

“There is no iota of truth in this.

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“To further put a lie to this, the spin doctors claimed that the APC National Working Committee, NWC is set to receive him in Abuja.

“The question here for the discerning minds is that, is it the NWC of a party that receives a decampee into the party?

“Shaibu has never minced words, vowing to sink and swim with his principal, Governor Obaseki.

“This, he has said severally at public fora. In view of this, I plead with these characters bent on driving a wedge between Shaibu and his boss, Governor Obaseki to put the Edo project and the people far above their own selfish interest,” the statement added.

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