Group to Tinubu: Be Wary of Ex Gov Udom Emmanuel

Akwa Ibom League of Professionals, ALP, has lambasted former Governor Udom Emmanuel for seeking President Bola Tinubu’s attention despite all the unprintable names he (Udom) called the President during the 2023 Presidential election campaign.

In a statement issued yesterday in Lagos by its President, Ifiok Okon, the group noted that it is regrettable that Udom Emmanuel who once labelled President Tinubu with all manner of insults, is now trotting everywhere seeking to be in the good books of the President and spending millions of dollars to have access to the president today.

The group cautioned the President to be wary of the likes of Udom whom they described as opportunists and wants to reap from where they did not sow.

The statement reads in part: ” We have watched keenly and observed how people like former Governor Udom Emmanuel are now seeking President Tinubu’s attention after they took him to the cleaners with insults prior and during the 2023 presidential election.

“We remember vividly how Udom Emmanuel spent over five minutes talking down the President after the All Progressives Congress, APC, Presidential campaign in Akwa Ibom State saying Tinubu doesn’t have anything to offer Nigerians just because he (Udom) was called “a boy” which he is.

“The ‘Boy” locked the President and his entourage out of the VIP wing of the Victor Attah International Airport when the President landed for over 30 minutes, insisting that if the president’s jet is allowed to be parked in the VIP wing that he will sack the MD of Ibom Airport .

Watch Udom Emmanuel Calling Out Tinubu

Udom Emmanuel Calling Out Tinubu

“We recall that if not for Senator Godswill Akpabio, the “Boy” wouldn’t have allowed President Tinubu to use the stadium for the campaign just because he (Udom) felt he is a demigod.

“That wasn’t enough, Udom went ahead and claimed that the President isn’t from Lagos but up till today, he is yet to tell us where President Tinubu is from”.

“Again, Udom went on to deceive himself and his small minded impoverished followers that the first money President Tinubu ever received when he came back from NADECO exile to relaunch himself was from his desk but until now he has refused to tell the whole world the amount, and if at all, was the money his”? “What a shame”, the statement continues.

“Udom boasted that Tinubu won’t be the President of Nigeria, stating that there’s nothing like “Emilokan” but what do we have today”?

“Emilokan has come to stay and the boy (Udom) has no option now than to be begging to see the President”.

“This is a man who lives in the illusion of self-lust, believing in filtering away all the resources of the State on an endless voyage and bottomless pit of installing a puppet to cover his past deeds due to his belief that everyone has a price”.

“This is a man who was caught boasting that he spent over $50m to purchase a judgement at the Supreme Court just like he has done at the two lower courts even to the extent of videoing Judges collecting bribes and sending them the video thereafter to compel them to do his biddings. What a desperate and shameful act of a drowning man”. The group noted.

“Is this the reason Gov. Udom has been boasting that he has contracted the President Court of Appeal, Justice Monica Mensem to lobby the Justices of the Supreme Court to ensure the judgment is in his stooge’s favor promising to give each justice in the panel $10m and the Chief Justice of Nigeria $15m as his retirement largesse since according to him is retiring soon?”

“The question we want to ask Gov. Udom and Pst. Umo Eno is what has been the impact of their administration in the last 8years and 7 months on the lives of the people they governed? Filtering away the entire resources of the State all in the name of installing a successor and institutionalizing occultism in Akwa ibom State”

“A man given to ingratitude and a betrayal of the highest order who can never keep his words. An issue at hand is his betrayal of Senator Akpabio who brought him to power as Governor of Akwa Ibom State but thereafter, he fought him out of the state but today he’s sending his stooge Pastor Umo Eno to befriend the same Senator Akpabio with all sort of mouth watering promises all to survive the immediate scare of the Supreme Court”.

“The question is, if all is ok, why these frustrations and apprehension in a man who believes he has conquered Akwa Ibom State?” The group queried.

“Our sincere caution to President Tinubu is to be wary of people like Gov. Udom or his stooge because they are double-edged and speak from both sides of their mouth. They (Udom and Umo Eno) mean no good and should be avoided like a plague,” the statement added.

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