Hunger, insecurity affecting us irrespective of religion, tribe -Obi

Labour Party, LP, presidential candidate in the February 25, 2023, poll, Mr. Peter Obi, has said Nigerians were all suffering hunger, insecurity and poverty irrespective of religion or tribe.

He, meanwhile, called on Muslims to use the Ramadan fast to pray for the nation.

Obi on his X on Wednesday, said: “Yesterday, I continued my fraternal visit to the Muslim communities as their fasting enters the last lap.

“I was in Awka, Anambra State capital, where I interacted and enjoyed their conviviality. This is a routine I started since my days as the governor of Anambra State and have maintained.

Mr. Peter Obi with Muslim communities and their leaders in Awka, Anambra State capital

“I shared in the blessings of the Ramadan fasting and prayers while enjoining them, and every Nigerian, to continue to pray for the nation, especially as we are now in the last 10 days of the Ramadan season, which are very significant.

“I encouraged them, and every Nigerian, not to be dispirited by the present myriad of challenges facing the nation, but, in love and unity, continue to work together for the progress of the nation.

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“The hunger we experience, the insecurity that ravages our nation, the corruption that pervades every aspect of our national existence, and the poverty that has continued to spread through the country are all affecting every one of us irrespective of our religion or tribe.

“Only by a collective resolve to move our nation from consumption to production, can we triumph over our many challenges.

“This we will do by cultivating the vast arable lands in the North, which will enable us to feed ourselves and export food to the world.

“Building a highly productive nation remains our firm commitment to the New Nigeria which is now more possible than ever before.

“I thank the Muslim Community and their leaders, for their warm hospitality, prayers, and encouragement. The new Nigeria is possible In shaa Allah,” he added.

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