Imperative for Social Justice: Nigerians and the Nigerian Labour Congress

By Lois Otse Adams

Human frailty is intrinsic to our nature, and in acknowledging this, we recognize our shared vulnerability as a species. Yet, within this fragility lies a dormant power-the force of humanity itself.


To awaken this latent strength, we require a unifying catalyst, and that catalyst is none other than the labour movement. It is imperative that we, as humanity, empower this force today, for there may be no tomorrow for us to witness its transformative potential.

Across the annals of time, a longstanding struggle has raged between the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) and the government. This enduring battle has undergone various evolutions, but the most contemporary clash unfolds between the Nigerian populace and the NLC itself.

The question looming before us is whether both parties will stand together in solidarity or betray the shared cause. If Nigerians resign themselves to endure the prevailing hardships, the NLC’s betrayal becomes a looming possibility. However, if Nigerians collectively rise and declare “enough is enough,” the NLC’s resolve is fortified.

Ludwig von Mises aptly stated, “The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments.” Indeed, recent years have borne witness to the harsh realities faced by Nigerians, with injustice and poverty becoming deeply entrenched. Our collective endurance of such afflictions has sapped our strength, and the dire need for social justice has become self-evident.

Colin Powell once asserted that “the root cause of poverty is social injustice and the bad government that abets it.” Responsibility squarely rests upon the government’s shoulders, and it is incumbent upon Nigerians to unite their voices in resolute opposition to strategies designed to divide and weaken them.

Considering the perspective of Milton Friedman, who posited that the proposed solution to a problem can often be as detrimental as the problem itself, we find solidarity with the Nigeria Labour Congress to be a rational choice. As Alexis de Tocqueville astutely noted, the most perilous juncture for a corrupt government is when it attempts reform.

It would be a gratifying sight to witness every Nigerian, including both you and me, unite against this injustice, rather than continue to exist unaware that we have been spiritually extinguished for decades.


The government’s actions have inflicted grievous wounds upon us; they stand as the antagonists in this narrative and will not willingly relinquish their grip on power.

Only through the collective consent and fortitude of Nigerians can the Nigerian Labour Congress derive the strength needed to effect meaningful change.

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