Labour Party factional crisis: NUPENG, Oyo NLC disclaim Lamido Apapa

The Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, Wednesday said National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers, NUPENG, and the Oyo State Council of the NLC, which Mr. Apapa Lamidi claims affiliation to has disclaimed giving Apapa any mandate to act on their behalf in the Labour Party, LP.

NLC in a statement disowning Apapa, said any attempt to allow him to foist himself as the Labour Party Chairman would be strongly resisted.

Secretary, NLC Political Commission, Chris Uyot, in a statement entitled, “Labour disowns Mr. Lamido Apapa, in Abuja, said: “The shameful conduct of Mr. Lamidi Apapa at the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal on May 17, 2023, has once again brought to the fore the desperation of certain elements in the political class to deploy all manner of subterfuge and criminality to divide and despoil the massive goodwill currently being enjoyed by the Labour Party all over Nigeria.

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“It is very unfortunate that Mr. Lamidi Apapa who continues to act lawlessly as an impostor ascribing to himself a vague status as the Chairman of the Labour Party and on the claims of representing the Nigeria Labour Congress, is clearly receiving protection from institutions of the state whose mandate is the preservation of law and order.

“The Labour Party which was founded by the Nigeria Labour Congress more than three decades ago confers institutional membership on the Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, and the Trade Union Congress, TUC. Institutional representation of Organised Labour in the leadership of the Labour Party is at the behest of nomination by the leadership of the national labour centers, or from the affiliate unions or state councils of the NLC and TUC.

“As at today, the National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers, NUPENG, and the Oyo State Council of the NLC which Mr. Apapa Lamidi claims affiliation to has completely disclaimed giving Mr. Lamidi Apapa any mandate to act on their behalf in the Labour Party in any capacity whatsoever thus disowning him. The national leadership of the Congress then wonders who Mr. Lamidi Apapa is representing in the Labour Party.

Jeo Ajero, NLC President

“This perfidy by Mr. Lamidi Apapa and his cohorts has been sustained by interested political actors in Nigeria whose abiding wish is the death of the Labour Party. It is clear that Mr. Lamidi Apapa is a meddlesome interloper who is being used by reactionary forces to deny Nigerians the benefit of an alternative political thought and organisation geared towards genuine national redemption and transformation.

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“The NLC Political Commission wishes to reiterate its earlier statement disowning the so-called factional leadership of the Labour Party led by Mr. Lamidi Apapa. Any attempt to allow Mr. Lamidi Apapa to foist the show of shame he and his minions exhibited today at the sitting of the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal would be strongly resisted by Organised Labour.

“We urge the Nigerian workers and people to retain its faith in our judiciary as the bastion of justice and the final refuge of the oppressed. We also call on all progressive Nigerians to remain vigilant as the court case by the Labour Party is considered by the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal.

“Organised Labour as the custodian of the ideology and values of the Labour Party of Nigeria will not sit back and watch conmen take advantage of our name and goodwill to sell the Labour Party to the highest bidder. The focus of the Political Commission of the Congress is the conscientisation of workers and the Nigerian people on the need for good governance.”

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