NBA felicitates with Muslims on Eid-El-Fitr

The Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, has felicitates with Muslims on Eid-El-Fitr celebration.

National Publicity Secretary of NBA, Akorede Lawal, in a statement on Wednesday, said:

“On this occasion of Eid-el-Fitr, President of NBA, Mr. Yakubu Maikyau, SAN, on behalf of the National Executive Committee of the NBA, felicitates the Muslim Ummah, particularly Muslim lawyers and members of the Muslim Lawyers Association of Nigeria, MULAN.

“Signifying the conclusion of the Ramadan fasting, this Eid is an instructive celebration, and the Ramadan teachings of perseverance, discipline, generosity, sacrifice, piety and humility should not be lost on us all even after Ramadan.

“May these virtues make us better individuals, conscietious professionals, and more patriotic citizens, as we contribute our quota to making Nigeria a more prosperous and peaceful nation.

“Eid Mubarak,” the statement added.

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