Niger military govt orders police to expel French envoy

The Military government in Niger has stripped France’s ambassador of diplomatic immunity and ordered police to expel him.

The military government said the visas of French ambassador to Niamey Sylvain Itte and his family have been cancelled and police are instructed to expel the envoy, a statement dated August 29, and confirmed as authentic on Thursday by its communications head.

The envoy “no longer enjoys the privileges and immunities attached to his status as member of the diplomatic personnel in the French embassy,” according to their letter, dated Tuesday, to the Foreign Ministry in Paris.

“(His) diplomatic cards and visas and those of the members of his family have been cancelled. The police have been instructed to proceed to his expulsion,” the statement said.

Recall that the military on July 26, sacked President Mohamed Bazoum, a close French ally.

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