Nigeria does not deserve some of us

By Douglas Ogbankwa

I have always wondered why people leave this Country in droves .I had condemned this with so much vehemence and had even questioned the sense in it .

I had talked about my patriotism and boast of my prominence of being interviewed by the International Media from my quiet but lovely resident town of Benin City, Nigeria.

I have had opportunities to relocate abroad , but rebuffed same .

All these were based on raw patriotism and love for country and friends .But I have a sad story to tell .*Nigeria Does Not Deserve Some of Us*

Some times when you see what happens in Some Parts of Government,what you see is a criminal enterprise an organised crime .

Some Nincompoop and nit wits came up with some phoney and false story that I went to a house with some gun men, like a tale from the riveting crime writer-,James Hardley Chase .

I actually dismissed it with a laugh,but it took great circumspection and legal elongation to keep them at bay.If it was a Lawyer that did not take the false allegations seriously , they would have messed him up big time .

The case is currently on going and some aspects of it is so mind blowing to the extent that you wonder whether there is even Law in this Country.Some actors in the Nigerian State makes this country look like a sham and it is indeed a shame.

May Nigeria not happen to you .This Country is revelling in rot and some times our leaders drink champagnes with glasses dripping of blood.

The President has a Herculaneum Task .The rot in this country is phenomenal .I have contributed immensely in building systems to make our courts system work using information technology.

There is a high conspiracy against me by the powers that be to want to attempt to rubbish themselves ,not me .

This Country will continue to go down as much we want to destroy our best and elevate our worst.It is even worse when you dine with your enemies.I am even lucky to be alive .

Wolves in sheep clothings prowl around pretending to be friends ,taking vital information from you to help your enemies ,some times for some thing as mundane as an orgasm.

Shameless and double faced masters of subterfuge, deceived by a false sense of invincibility , day by day tightening the noose to the end of their professional careers .

Nigeria is a Country that has some of the best human resources in the world . Nigerians are even more talented than the Jews .

We have the best musicians,best actors , best sports men ,best lawyers , best writers , best fashion icons ,best Pastors and best demagogues.

It is the best nation on earth and a land of plenty.But we create a vicious system that consumes our best and elevate our worst .

Government should put in a reward system for the Pacific and the organised .Why do we always reward militants and gun men ? Everyone has a capacity to carry gun.

If intellectuals carried guns , the government can not contend with it , because the intellectuals will be rebels with a cause .

I say it once more , *Nigeria does not deserve some of us*. Nigerian s have used connections to disconnect ourselves from global players .Can we not have appointments and government employments on merit?The CIA has a saying *You do not choose the CIA, it is the CIA that chooses you*.

This is how it should be.In this Country, put your mindset on cruise ,but I must confess ,it is ordinarily the best country to live in the world ,but one which destroys her best .

An American Rapper predicted talking about Nigeria :*Soon there will a strong black nation*.

It also said that in a situation akin to that of Nigeria: *Only the strong survives, only the wise excels , only the lonely die slowly*.May Nigeria not happen to you.

About the Author:

Douglas Ogbankwa no is the Convener of the National Movement for the Actualization of Good Governance (NAMAGG).

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