Obi sympathises with Abia varsity over death of 3 medical students

Former Anambra State governor, Mr. Peter Obi has sympathised with Abia State University, Uturu, over the death of three students of its Medicine and Surgery department in a fatal vehicle accident.

Obi in a post on his X on Wednesday, said: “I remain deeply in great pain over the unpleasant death of three students of Medicine and Surgery at the Abia State University, Uturu.

“The students were involved in a fatal vehicle accident while returning to Aba, having attended the induction of their senior colleagues, last weekend.

“They were young vibrant youths, training to become medical doctors who would contribute their quota to our health sector before their tragic end.

“Their deaths, and indeed the death of every responsible Nigerian youth, signifies a huge loss to our nation.

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“My heart goes out to their respective families at this time of grief.

“Losing one’s child, with a promising future, is such a devastating experience. However, we cannot question the Almighty God, who has the power of life and death.

“I sincerely commiserate with their families, the management, staff, and students of Abia State University, and indeed, all of us who are saddened by the loss of these youthful promise, praying to God to give us the fortitude to bear their very sad irreplaceable loss and grant them eternal rest.

“May God protect and preserve our going out and our coming in always,” he added.

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