Osigwe facilitates with newly conferred SANs

Mazi Afam Osigwe, SAN (2nd right) with some SANs at the Supreme Court

Mazi Afam Osigwe, SAN, has felicitated with the newly conferred Senior Advocates of Nigeria, SANs.

Osigwe in a post on his facebook handle, entitled ‘Congratulatory message to our dear colleagues on their elevation to the rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria,’ said: “Dear esteemed colleagues, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to each of you on the momentous occasion of being conferred with the distinguished rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria.

The conferment of the silk represents not only a recognition of your exceptional legal acumen but also a solemn responsibility entrusted upon your shoulders.

As Senior Advocates of Nigeria, you are now torchbearers of justice, tasked with upholding the highest standards of the legal profession.

The role you play in the delivery of justice and the observance of the rule of law is paramount. It is a responsibility that demands unwavering commitment, ethical conduct, and an unyielding dedication to the principles that underpin our legal system.

As leaders in the legal community, you are not only advocates for your clients but guardians of the integrity of our justice system.

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Your elevation is not merely a personal achievement but a collective affirmation of the legal community’s trust in your ability to contribute meaningfully to the administration of justice. “The robe of a Senior Advocate of Nigeria carries with it the weight of history, and I implore you to wear it with humility, recognizing the immense privilege and duty it entails.

In your pursuit of justice, strive for fairness, equity, and the protection of fundamental rights. Be vigilant in upholding the rule of law, even in the face of challenges.

Your actions will serve as a beacon for others, inspiring confidence in the legal system and reinforcing the principles that form its bedrock.

Remember, the power bestowed upon you is not just for personal advancement but for the greater good of society.

Let your advocacy be marked by integrity, professionalism, and a tireless commitment to the pursuit of justice.

Once again, congratulations on this well-deserved honor. May your journey as Senior Advocates of Nigeria be marked by continued excellence, and may your contributions leave an indelible mark on the legal landscape,” he added.

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