By Isaac Fali

Marriage was seen as a lifelong commitment, and people often felt pressure to get married because of societal expectations or family pressure.

Nowadays, people are less concerned with following traditional norms and are more focused on finding fulfilling relationships based on mutual respect and compatibility.

This shift has led to a more individualistic approach to relationships and a decrease in the stigma around divorce.

In the past, divorce was seen as a failure, and people who got divorced were often looked down upon.

But nowadays, there’s more of an understanding that relationships can change and people can grow apart.

It’s less about assigning blame and more about acknowledging that things don’t always work out.

Plus, with celebrities and public figures getting divorced more openly, it’s just not as taboo as it used to be.

People are more willing to speak up about toxic relationships and seek help, and there are more resources available than there used to be the #MeToo movement and other social movements have given survivors a platform to speak out and be heard.

All of this has helped to destigmatize divorce as a way to escape a harmful relationship.
Women are now more empowered to pursue their own careers and be financially independent, which has reduced the need for them to stay in an unhappy marriage just to be supported.

And men are also challenging traditional gender roles and embracing more progressive ideas of masculinity, which has led to more equitable partnerships. All of this has contributed to a shift in attitudes towards divorce as a valid option when a relationship is not working.

Social media has created a culture of comparison and a fear of missing out, which can create pressure on couples to present a certain image or live up to certain standards.

It can also create opportunities for infidelity, as people can easily connect with others outside of their relationship. All of this can create tension and dissatisfaction in relationships and contribute to the rise of divorce rates.

As more people get educated, they become more aware of their options and less likely to settle for unhappy relationships. They’re also more likely to have the financial independence to leave a bad relationship.

This means that people are now more likely to prioritize their happiness and well-being over staying in an unfulfilling marriage.

Isaac Fali is a student of Borno State University

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