Tinubu needs support of all to succeed, Onitiri tells NLC, others

Chief Adesunbo Onitiri has called on all Nigerians to support the Bola Tinubu administration to succeed.

Onitiri in a statement in Lagos, on Tuesday, said that the economic and insecurity situation in the country calls for sober reflection, cooperation  and genuine love for the country and not blame game.

He said: “This is the time that all political parties, labour and society organisations should join hands with the President to salvage the country, instead of instigating Nigerians to violence.

“We have no other country we can call our own. Anarchy is not the solution to our many problems and definitely not the best.

President Bola Tinubu

“Anarchy will abruptly end our democratic rule. We plead that Nigerians should love their country and not let our dear country burst into flames.

“Instead of the blame game we should earnestly look for solutions. Every problem has a solution. Nigeria’s problems definitely have solutions. Our duty as good citizens is to look for solutions to our problems.”

Onitiri recalled how he and many other patriotic democrats confronted the military to usher in the current fledging democracy.

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“Let the democracy endures as we learn through our mistakes.”

He pointed out that many advanced nations also went through this process that took them many years for their democracy to mature.

The social critic noted that Nigeria is so much endowed and blessed with human and natural resources, saying, “We cannot afford to destroy the country because of our personal interests.”

He explained that it would be unfair to heap all the economic, insecurity and social blames on President Tinubu as he was not the cause of the whole decadence.

“President Tinubu is trying so much to bring the country out of the woods. The only way to appreciate his efforts is to support  and encourage him.

“At this crucial period of our nation, all Nigerians must to be patriotic, selfless and love this country first before self.

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“We should also be our brothers keepers without hike in prices of goods or hoarding them. Let’s all make sacrifices for our nation.”

Onitiri advised President Tinubu to urgently create employment opportunities for our teeming restive youths in the agricultural sector, and the proposed state police.

The Federal Government, he also suggested, should continue to cut down cost of governance, especially remunerations of the legislature.

The President should recover all looted funds, put them back to use for the vulnerable Nigerians as well  as peg prices of foodstuff to be within reach of the masses.

Onitiri commended Tinubu’s efforts so far and prayed that God would endow his government with all enablement and strength to put our dear country back on course.

The socio-political activist expressed the hope and resolute that Nigeria shall rise again and soon be one of the greatest countries in the world, the world’s first tourism destination that all Nigerians should all be proud of.

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