Capital Market Solicitors Association Holds Annual Business Summit


The Capital Market Solicitors Association (CMSA), under the Chairmanship of Odiaka Vincent Iweze, has announced this year’s Annual Business Summit (ABS) scheduled for June 6, 2024, at 10am at the Oriental Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos.

This year’s theme, “Revolutionizing the Nigerian Capital Market Through Innovative Financial Instruments for Sustainable Development,” focuses on transforming Nigeria’s economic landscape through strategic financial innovations.

This year’s ABS Organizing Committee is led by Mr. Oladele Oladunjoye and his team, who bring their wealth of knowledge and experience to ensure the success of this event.

The 2024 ABS is poised to be a pivotal event as Nigeria navigates through the challenges of global financial volatility and local economic dynamics. It aims to spark significant discussions on the utilization of innovative financial instruments to adopt sustainable growth and resilience in the capital markets.

The CMSA Invites all stakeholders to mark their calendars and prepare for an enriching experience that promises to advance the dialogue on financial innovation and sustainable development in Nigeria. We look forward to welcoming you to an event that aims not only to discuss but to shape the future of the Nigerian capital market.

The Sustainability Theme

Nigeria’s economic landscape is facing significant pressures, including fluctuating oil prices, foreign exchange instability, and the need for increased foreign investment. These issues underscore the urgency for innovative financial solutions that can support sustainable development goals and stabilize our economy. The ABS will assemble thought leaders, policymakers, and practitioners from across the capital markets sector to explore these challenges and opportunities.


This theme aims to create discourse on innovative financial instruments, encouraging market participants to think creatively and adopt new technologies and financial products that can deepen the capital market, attract investment, and enhance overall efficiency.
The theme also reflects a forward-thinking approach, demonstrating that the CMSA is not only focused on immediate market issues but also on long-term sustainability and growth.

The Agenda

1.       Fireside Chat: The summit will open with an interview-style fireside chat on the “Effect of Recent Reforms on Capital Raise for Sustainable Development in the Capital Market” featuring an industry expert.


2.       Keynote Speech: The keynote address will be delivered by a renowned expert in the capital markets space and will dwell on the general theme — revolutionizing the Nigerian Capital Market through innovative financial instruments for sustainable development.


3.       Panel Discussions: There will be two panel sessions focusing on critical topics:

Impact Investing in Capital Markets: Returns and Sustainability: Panelists will explore how investors and professionals can navigate impact investing while balancing the dual objectives of profitability and sustainability.


Navigating the Green Path: Sustainable Finance and the Capital Market: Experts will discuss the rise of sustainable finance, green financing instruments (green bonds, sustainability-linked loans), drivers, opportunities for Nigeria, and possible regulatory initiatives. Also, the integration of environmental, social, and governance criteria in financial decisionmaking.



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