Delta govt begins enforcement of okada/Iron ban in Asaba, environs

Delta State Government has commenced the enforcement of the ban on commercial motorcycles, popularly known as Okada, and tricycles, referred to as Iron, within the Asaba the state capital and its environs.

The move is being led by the Chairman of the Delta State Task Force on Environment, Chief Godspower Asiuwhu , in collaboration with the Director General of Security, David Tonwe.

The enforcement initiative aims to address the rising concerns over the traffic congestion, safety, and environmental pollution in the state’s capital and surrounding areas.

Chief Asiuwhu emphasized the government’s commitment to enhancing public safety and maintaining order in Asaba.

He said: “This enforcement is part of our broader strategy to improve urban mobility, ensure road safety, and create a cleaner, more organised environment for our residents.”

The enforcement team, comprising members of the Delta State Task Force on Environment and various security agencies, has been actively patrolling the streets of Asaba to ensure compliance with the ban.

The operation includes the impoundment of violators’ vehicles and the issuance of fines. The Task Force has also set up checkpoints at strategic locations to monitor and control the movement of Okada and Iron riders.

Tonwe, the Director General of Security, highlighted the security benefits of the ban, noting that it would help reduce the incidence of crimes often associated with the use of commercial motorcycles and tricycles.

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He said: “Our goal is to create a safer environment for all residents. By regulating the use of Okada and Iron, we can significantly curb criminal activities and enhance the overall security in the region.”

The state government has also launched a public awareness campaign to educate residents about the reasons behind the ban and the expected benefits.

The campaign includes information dissemination through various media channels and community outreach programs.

Asiuwhu said: “We want to ensure that the public understands that this enforcement is for the greater good. It is about ensuring safety, orderliness, and a higher quality of life for everyone.”

Residents have expressed mixed reactions to the ban. While some appreciate the government’s efforts to improve safety and reduce congestion, others are concerned about the impact on transportation and livelihoods.

The state government has assured the public that alternative transportation measures are being put in place, including the introduction of more public buses and a structured taxi system to accommodate the commuting needs of the populace.

As the enforcement continues, Chief Asiuwhu and Tonwe remain optimistic about the positive outcomes of the initiative. They call on all residents to cooperate with the authorities and adhere to the new regulations.

“Together, we can build a safer, cleaner, and more organized Asaba,” Asiuwhu added.

The enforcement of the Okada and Iron ban marks a significant step in Delta State’s ongoing efforts to modernize its urban infrastructure and enhance the quality of life for its residents.

The government remains committed to ensuring that these changes lead to long-term benefits for the community.

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