Edo Dep gov, Shaibu mourns AIT Founder, Raymond Dokpesi

Edo State Deputy Governor, Mr. Phillip Shaibu, has mourned the passing of Edo-born business man and politician, Chief Raymond Dokpesi.

The deceased until his death was a chieftain and one of founding fathers of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP and Chairman, Daar Communications, owners of Africa Independent Television, AIT and Raypower.

The Deputy Governor in his condolence message, stated: ” I am deeply saddened by the news of the passing of an illustrious Edo son and distinguished Nigerian, Chief Dokpesi, at the age of 71 years.

“He was a detrabilized statesman and humanist, whose quest for a better Nigeria, irrespective of tongue, tribe or religion was legendary.”

READ ALSO:Breaking: AIT/RayPower founder, Raymond Dokpesi is dead

According to Shaibu, “Chief Dokpesi was a consummate businessman and an enterpreneur who pioneered private TV and Radio stations in Nigeria. He was a political colossus and responsible family man, who was always on the side of the masses.”

The Deputy Governor extolled the sterling qualities of Dokpesi, saying: “he exhibited audacious courage, strength of character and uncommon consistency – speaking to matters of urgent national importance – particularly issues affecting the average Nigerian. Edo State and indeed, Nigeria has lost an illustrious son.

“Though he will be sorely missed, let me join well-meaning Nigerians to commiserate with his immediate and extended family members, including friends and associates for the irreparable loss of a distinguished Nigerian-Patriot.

“I admonish all to imbibe his good virtues and make them living memories for which he would forever be remembered.

“May his gentle soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace, Amen”.

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