Igboekulie Gets New Leadership

Benjamin Obidegwu

By Henry Ojelu

Igboekulie, an association with the core mission to promote Igbo language and culture has elected new executives to oversee its activities.

The rancor-free election conducted by Prof Bernard Jiburum to elect the new executive followed the end of the 8-year tenure of Prince Ben Onuora-led Executive Committee in September 2023.

The new executive is headed by Sir Benjamin Obidegwu-a seasoned Corporate Attorney with over 30 years active law practice experience and immediate-past President General of Nzuko Obodoukwu Clan.

Other members of the association includes Dr. Oby Nwaokorie, Secretary; Mrs. Iphie Acha-Mba, Asst. Secretary; Dan Okoye, Treasurer; Vigil Anyanwu, Provost; Uche Ugwu, Welfare; Emeka Onyenacho – Head Finance and Fund Raising Committee; Paul Ogbuokiri, Head Education and Enlightenment Committee and Heavens Agwunobi, Strategy Committee.


In his acceptance speech, Sir Obidegwu thanked his predecessor Prince Onuora, for the great work he did for the association for the eight years he was in charge and went on to emphasize that his leadership will direct strong energy towards achieving the objectives of the association and will build on the successes achieved by Prince Onuora.

He also called all Igbo leaders to rise, support and promote the promotion of Igbo language and culture.

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